The Risks of Needing Long-Term-Care Compared to Other Risks


There's only a

1 in 1200

risk of having a fire that will cause major damage to your home.


There's only a

1 in 240

risk of you having an accident that will totally destroy your car.


BUT, you have a staggering

1 in 3

risk of being confined in a nursing home!

Long-Term Care Insurance

Everyone is looking forward to a healthy, happy and secure retirement, but how quickly things can change. Illness, expense of long term care can repaint the rosy financial picture many retirees have.

Experts believe that transferring the risk to insurance is the most logical solution.

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Stand-Alone Home Health Care

Where will Medicare patients go to receive care? Nursing home? Your children’s home? Other relatives home? Your own home?

For every person in a nursing home, there are three more who receive home health care. Many times, the cost of home health care can equal or even exceed the cost of nursing home care. There are now plans available in Texas and many other states that are designed to provide care in the comfort of your own home.

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Your Trusted Partner
Since 1982

PO Box 821493
Dallas, TX 75382

(972) 786-3897

"Be true to your teeth or they'll be false to you!" -- Mom