Stand-Alone Dental & Vision Plans

Dental and vision coverage is not covered by Medicare and is typically not covered by most individual major medical plans.

However, there are now plans available with low premiums that are very rich in benefits to cover these unexpected costs. They will usually cover two (2) dental cleanings and an x-ray each year and after a short waiting period, will provide for the more expense restorative charges.

This is a very popular product!

"Be true to your teeth or they'll be false to you!" -- Mom

Stay Current!

Review Your Current Life Insurance

When was the last time you had a review of your life insurance?

The cost of life insurance today is much lower than just five years ago. Many policies were initially sold with lofty assumptions on interest rates and are now earning at the minimum guaranteed.

It's time to take the bull by the horns and prevent your policy from dying before you do.

Request a Review

Contact Mike Today!

Your Trusted Partner
Since 1982

PO Box 821493
Dallas, TX 75382

(972) 786-3897