Disability Income Protection

Most people don’t think twice about insuring their car or their home. They understand that it’s just something they need to do in case something were to happen to those costly possessions.

Unfortunately, most people do not take the same logical approach when it comes to protecting another valuable asset- their paycheck- with disability insurance.

Did you know that your chances of becoming disabled are far greater than your chances of dying prematurely? Can you believe that according to some estimates one out of every ten persons will become permanently disabled before age 65?

If you became that “one” and you could not perform your current job, what options would you have?

For most people this would be a financial tragedy, and unfortunately most rely solely on Social Security, or workmen’s compensation and unemployment insurance from their employers to cover any unexpected disability.

A disability income insurance policy from your insurance agent is an alternative to consider for people who realize the risk of becoming disabled and want to protect their current income and standard of living.

Protect your most important asset:
Your ability to EARN an income!

Contact Mike Today!

Your Trusted Partner
Since 1982

PO Box 821493
Dallas, TX 75382

(972) 786-3897

"Be true to your teeth or they'll be false to you!" -- Mom